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来源: 作者:基础部 日期:2010-06-15

Larry和李华准备到银行去,李华要开一个帐户,而Larry需要取一些现金。今天李华会学到两个常用语:to be hard up和to pick on someone.

LH: Larry,我要去银行开个户头,你去银行做什么?

LL: Well, my friend is a little hard up for cash right now, so I'm going to withdraw some money and let him borrow it.

LH: 原来你是要提现金借给朋友啊!你的朋友怎么啦?你说他hard up for cash。 Cash是现金。这个我懂,但hard up是什么意思?

LL: To be "hard up" for something means that you don't have enough of it.

LH: Hard up for something就是什么东西不够,所以你那朋友hard up for cash, 就是钱不够啦!对不对?

LL: Exactly. He's helped me when I was hard up before, so I feel that I should help him out now.

LH: 嗯,你朋友以前也借钱给你,帮过你,所以现在你帮他。这也是应该的。对了,Larry, 这个hard up除了指缺钱,还可以用在什么地方?

LL: Well, one is usually hard up for money. However, you can be hard up for time or for work, too.

LH: 如果我说I am hard up for time, 那就表示我很忙,时间不够,对不对?

LL: Right. I'm usually hard up for time during exams. I have so much studying to do that I hardly even sleep.

LH: 我也是,只要到了期中考,期末考的季节,我就觉得时间不够用,书都念不完。那hard up for work不能说工作不够,只能说找不到工作喽?

LL: I'm hard up for work means that I really need a job, but I'm having a hard time finding one.

LH: 嗯,那种需要工作却找不到工作的滋味一定很不好受。希望我毕业后不会经历hard up for work.

LL: So do I. I don't think anyone enjoys being hard up for time, money, or work.


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