
新东方突破GRE考试难点:GRE Issue思路解析(69)

2015-11-30 10:16    新东方



  41. The greatness of individuals can be decided only by those who live after them, not by their contemporaries.

  Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

  思想、艺术:前瞻性,前卫性,超越时代思想水平(Van Gough, Nietzsche)(参见翻译练习)



  From the speaker’s view, the achievement of any great individuals can only be accurately assessed by later people rather than by their contemporaries. As we

  examine different fields of endeavor, we shall see that in most fields, such as art, politics and science, the statement is quite accurate. However, when it comes to fields like business, where one’s success is more often directly evaluated according to its immediate impact, opinions of her contemporaries are quite enough for an accurate assessment. Overall, while the speaker’s view is fundamentally reasonable, it should not be carried to the extreme.

  To begin with, in fine arts, where innovative spirits are highly valued, artists’ visions are often so beyond the understanding of their contemporaries that it is hard to give a correct evaluation without waiting for a couple of decades. …

  Furthermore, in politics, although many policies may place immediate influence on a nation’s economy or industry, its unsustainable nature often exhausts future potential, a consequence only later people can fully recognize. …

  Moreover, in science, where theoretical predictions are often far ahead of people’s visions to apply them, the value of many theories often remain blurry until decades and even centuries later. …

  However, exceptions does exist in business world, because here the success of an entrepreneur is almost sole determined by how his or her business model can quickly lead the business to immediate prosperity. In fact, even if that model fails in the next era, this failure alone does not suffice for others to deny its achievement in its own times.






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