

2015-01-21 10:39    新东方网


  试题一:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teaching is harder than it was in the past.


  理由一:现在教学很困难,因为家长的要求越来越多。不可否认,现在的家长希望自己的子女在各个方面的表现都能比同龄人更好,因此他们极其重视小孩的教育,这相应地增加了教学的压力。( + 具体事例)但是,过去家长让孩子上学最主要的目的就是希望他们考高分,然后毕业能找到好工作来养家糊口。换句话说,过去教学比较专注于成绩。Teaching is extremely difficult today, because parents are expecting for more. It’s undeniable that parents nowadays wish that their kids can have a better performance in all respects than their peers do. Hence, parents are paying lots of attention to their kids’ education, which increases the pressure of teaching accordingly.( + 具体事例) However, the major goal of those parents in the past is that their children can get a high grade in school and thus are able to support the family by landing a good job. In other words, teaching in old days only concentrated on kids’ academic performance.

  理由二:现在教学很困难,因为现在的小孩不好管理。随着人口的急剧增长,很多国家都开始实施一些政策来控制人口数量。因此,独生子女家庭越来越多,而被宠坏的小孩也越来越多,这使得小孩在学校学习的时候越来越不受老师管束,甚至阻碍教学的进行。( + 具体事例)然而,过去家庭的小孩都比较多,父母不会特意地去专宠某一个;而且,过去艰难的生活条件也让孩子能更早地成熟和懂事。Teaching is significantly hard in contemporary society, since it’s not a simple task to manage children today. As the population increases greatly, many countries start enacting some policies to control the number of people. So, the family with only one child is expanding, and there are more and more spoiled kids, which makes it tough for teachers to supervise and to manage them in the school and even sets obstacles for teaching.( + 具体事例)But in the past, a family usually had several kids, and parents could not possibly dote on only one of them. What’s more, the poor living standard in old days would make children become mature and sensible earlier.

  结尾段:虽然过去由于设备落后的原因,教学也不是那么方便、简单。但是,和“理由一”、“理由二”没法比。因此,我认为现在教学更困难。In the final analysis, we can’t deny that sometimes teaching might be hard in the past, due to the undeveloped facilities. However, when compared with these explanation and details I just provided to support my position, the opposite opinion looks particularly lackluster. Consequently, I’m still convinced that teaching is harder today than it was in the past, for parents now have more requirement and children are too spoiled.

  试题二:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In order to succeed in doing a new job, the ability to adapt oneself to the new environment is more important than the excellent knowledge of this job.


  理由一:适应能力对于做好一份新工作很重要,因为这能让你迅速融入集体并与同事成为朋友。大家都知道,和老员工保持紧密的关系有助于从他们那儿获得更多实用的建议和帮助,从而有助于在新工作里迅速提升表现。( + 具体事例)The ability to adapt oneself to the new environment is extremely important for doing a new job successfully, because this capability enables you to fit into a group and become friends with your colleagues quickly. As we all know, having a close relationship with experienced employees can help you get more practical suggestion and support from them, which is beneficial for you improving your performance in a new job.( + 具体事例)

  理由二:知识对于做好一份新工作也很重要,因为这能让你在第一时间展开工作并快速给公司带来效益。一般来说,为了让新员工做好工作准备,企业通常都会以实习的方式对其进行培训和锻炼。而一个专业知识比较强的员工既能快速上岗,又可以为老板省去这方面的成本,这往往能获得老板的青睐。( + 具体事例)An excellent knowledge is also crucial for succeeding in a new job, since the knowledge can help you start your job and produce efficiency and profits for your firm in a short time. Generally, in order to prepare new workers for their jobs, companies usually will train and practice them by asking them to take an internship. However, a employee with an excellent knowledge of the job can not only start his or her job right when getting accepted, but also can save the cost of training for the boss, which can help him or her earn the boss’s favor.( + 具体事例)

  结尾段:我不同意题目。对于做好一份新工作来讲,“适应能力”还是“知识”重要,这取决于工作的性质。具体来讲,对于航天领域的员工来说,良好的专业知识更重要,因为他们所从事的工作和数学、天文、物理等学科息息相关;对于销售员来说,较强的适应能力更重要,因为他们得经常出差,然后面对不同气候、饮食,和文化差异带来的挑战。Judging from the above evidence offered, I can hardly agree that in order to succeed in doing a new job, the ability to adapt oneself to the new environment is more important than the excellent knowledge of this job. It depends on the job category whether the ability of adapting to the new circumstance or the excellent knowledge is more significant. To be specific, for those who work in the field of spaceflight, an excellent knowledge of the job is more important, in that what they do is closely associated with subjects like Math, Astronomy, and Physics; for salesmen, a strong ability of adapting to the new environment is of much significance, because they have to go on business trips frequently and face those challenges brought from different climates, eating habits, and cultures.


  理由一:保护“古旧建筑”很重要,因为这有助于人们铭记国家的历史和传统。众所周知,一个国家的的历史和传统是该民族核心价值观念的体现,而对于核心价值观念的保护和传承则势在必行。( + 具体事例)It’s extremely important to protect historic or traditional buildings and homes, because this action can help people remember the history and tradition of their countries. As we all know, the core values of a nation can be reflected by its history and tradition, and the preservation and inheritance of such core values are of great significance.( + 具体事例)

  理由二:保护“古旧建筑”很重要,因为这有助于旅游业的发展。不可否认的是,旅游业,作为当今支柱产业之一,有助于推动国家经济的发展。( + 具体事例)It’s crucial to preserve those historic or traditional buildings, since protecting them can promote the development of tourism. One indisputable fact is that tourism, as a pillar industry, greatly contributes to boosting a country’s economy.( + 具体事例)

  结尾段:虽然“建新房子”能美化城市,但是和“理由一”、“理由二”没法比。因此,我认为“古旧建筑”更重要。In the final analysis, we can’t deny that building new houses might produce some advantages, like beautifying the image of cities. However, when compared with these explanation and details I just provided to support my position, the opposite opinion looks particularly lackluster. Consequently, I’m still convinced that preserving historic or traditional buildings is much more important, for these construction can help to protect the core values of a country and to accelerate the economy.






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