
3.26托福独立口语预测+sample answer

2016-03-25 19:53    新东方网


 Task 1

1. If your friend has unexpectedly received a large amount of money, what would you suggest him/her to do with the money and why? Please include details and examples in your explanation.

Personally, I would advice my friend to make some wise investment, to begin with, the inflation in my home country is pretty serious, it doesn't make any sense to deposit the money in the bank.

He should invest the money into buying some gold, real estate, cuz the real estate in my country maintains such a strong momentum, I bet he can make more money out of this. Additionally, he can also invest the money to assist lots of start-ups, and he should invest in several start-ups in different industries so as to avoid risk.

2. Describe the most important decision you have ever made in your life and why it is important. Please include details and examples in your explanation.

I would say the most important decision that I have made is to study abroad. I knew back in then that I would have lots of challenges, like cultural barrier, languages problems and stuff, however, I still think it is the right decision. I made lots of new friends who are from different cultural backgrounds, and by exchanging ideas with them, I learned their culture, language, customs, and even way of living, and I think that is very cool.

For example, I learned they had different perspective on lots of issues, like, they respect more about a person's privacy, and people enjoy more personal freedom than people in my country.

3. What kind of strategy do you use to handle an overwhelming amount of work.

Well, personally, I will prioritize my schedule and focus on the most urgent things that I need to finish. For example, I got an upcoming exam next week, and a paper due next month; of course, I would concentrate on preparing for the exam.

Additionally, I think I will probably try to find the most efficient and creative approach to deal with the work, and even ask help from others. For instance, one time my economics professor asked me to help her to collect some data on her research. Later, I realize that it was so overwhelming that I could not finish it by myself, so I asked my friend's help. Finally, he helped me to finished this assignment.

4. Talk about a subject you enjoy learning in school.

Well, English is the subject that I like most. I have great motivation to learn English, to begin with, I find English not very difficult to learn, and actually it is pretty easy to pick up. Unlike other subjects like math, physics, which are pretty abstract and boring to learn.

It is very cool to be able to speak a foreign language, and I can make friends with people who are from distinctive cultural backgrounds, thus I got a chance to talk to foreigners and get to know their culture, customs and way of living. By interacting with them I can broaden my horizon and have new perspective on things, and I bet I can learn from them enormously.

5. Describe what your life would be like if you were not allowed to use the cell phone for a month. Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.

Well, honestly I think my life will be totally different. I actually depend on cell phone to connect with my friends. You know, I use lots of social network apps like wechat, twitter, and facebook to update what is going on with my life and send messages to my friends. Without the cell phone, I cannot even get hold of my friends and families.

Additionally, as a college student, I am very busy with school work, like prepare for exam, do group projects, and write papers. I shop online for a lots of things just so I can save some time. I buy daily necessities, like outfits, snacks and electronic appliances on line. So I guess it will be a lot inconvenient without cell phone.






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