

2015-01-23 09:37    新东方济南学校



  Your friend is trying to improve his grades. What suggestions would you give him?

  Which of the following is the most effective way of learning: studying from textbooks, having discussion with a group or reading article written by others.

  Do you agree or disagree with the statement that having class discussion is important to students?

  Some students like to learn by themselves, others prefer to share their ideas with others. Which one do you prefer?

  Some people prefer to study in classrooms, others prefer to visit the zoo and museum to study. Which do you think is better? Explain why.

  Some schools require students to finish a reading list during school breaks. Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of this requirement.

  Which of the following do you think benefit students more? Going to field trips, tutoring or doing class presentations.

  Which of the following study method do you think is the most effective? Having discussions, repeating class material or taking a lot of notes. Give specific examples and details in your explanation.

  Do you agree or disagree that teachers should encourage students to have class discussion during class? Give specific reasons and details in your response.

  Class discussion/share idea with others:

  发表评论:make comments/to contribute a comment

  不见得发人深思: not necessarily thought-provoking

  做大量的搜索和笔记以准备课堂讨论:do lots of search and prepare notes for the class discussion

  全班有机会听到多个观点:the whole class gets a chance to hear multiple points of view

  你能学到很多课本以外的东西, 当人们分享他们的个人经历的时候你理解一个想法是如何在现实生活中使用的:You can learn a lot of stuff beyond the textbooks, and understand how an idea works in real life when people share their personal experiences.


  就我个人而言,我认为最好的学习方式是参与课堂讨论,首先,学生需要做大量的搜索和笔记为课堂讨论做好准备,他们可以学到很多东西通过这些积极准备。此外,全班有机会听到多个观点,尽管一些点可能是不是发人深省的, 但是你能学到很多课本以外的东西,当人们分享他们的个人经历你也可以理解一个想法是如何在现实生活中使用的。

  Personally, I would say the best way to learn is to participate in class discussion, to begin with, students need to do lots of search and prepare notes for the class discussion. They can learn a lot by actively preparing for this. Additionally, the whole class gets a chance to hear multiple points of view, although some points might not be as thought-provoking, you can learn a lot of stuff beyond the textbooks anyway, and understand how an idea works in real life when people share their personal experiences.

  Finish a reading list/read article:

  一个活跃的心理过程: an active mental process

  用你的脑细胞去思考和变得更聪明:use your brain cell to think and become smarter.

  使你的思维变得敏锐:sharpen your mind

  接触到许多新单词(不读书接触不到的): expose yourself to many new words you wouldn’t be otherwise.

  扩大思想,给我们对于世界万物的新的想法和新的视角:expand the mind, give us new ideas and fresh perspectives on the things of our world

  其他异国文化可以从读书中窥见一斑,读书让我们可以了解不同的、你不是非常熟悉的习俗和生活方式, 并让你更有创造力和想象力。

  Reading gives you a glimpse into other exotic cultures, you can get to know different customs and way of living that you are not very familiar with, and that makes you more creative and imaginative.


  The more you read, the more knowledgeable you become. It keeps you learning and growing!

  培养自律:Develop discipline


  Adding book reading to your daily schedule and sticking to it helps you to improve discipline.


  It expands your vocabulary, exposes you to different mindset, and can help you learn different ways of expressing yourself.

  读书教育、启迪人也启示人。Reading educates, informs and enlightens.

  通过阅读名著可以获得一些伟大的想法。By reading masterpiece you can have access to some great mind.

  读书是很好的娱乐和享受的方式,当你无所事事的时候。Reading can be a great source of entertainment and enjoyment during times when there is nothing much to do.


  我认为最有效的学习方式是通过阅读书籍。首先,扩大你的词汇量,帮助你接触到不同的想法,学习用不同方式表达自己。除此之外,你可以通过阅读扩大思想,他给你新的想法和新的视角关于世界万物。其他异国文化可以从读书中窥见一斑,读书让我们可以了解不同的、你不是非常熟悉的习俗和生活方式, 并让你更有创造力和想象力。

  I would say the most efficient to learn is through reading books. To begin with, it expands your vocabulary, and helps you to be exposed to different mindset, and learn different ways of expressing yourself. Apart from that, you can expand the mind, reading gives you new ideas and fresh perspectives on the things of the world. Also it gives you a glimpse into other exotic cultures, you can get to know different customs and way of living of the people that you are not very familiar with, and that makes you more creative and imaginative.

  Field trip:

  实地考察可以去的地方:fire station, zoo, planetarium, dentist office, bank


  很容易获取大量信息: pick up a lot of information easily

  通过探索学习更有趣和有效:learning through exploration is more fun and effective .

  发现一些在图片、录像甚至是是教室里面不能发现的东西:discovery stuff that doesn't come across in pictures or videos or even in a classroom

  从专家那里学到很多:learn a lot from the expert

  使学生直接接触现实生活:brings the students into direct contact with real life

  给你最现实和视觉的经历:gives you a more hands on and visual experience

  看很多“活”的东西:got to see many things in action


  我认为学习最好的方法是去实地考察,实际上, 我还记得我小学的时候参加的实地考察。我们去了动物园,跟看视频不一样, 在动物园管理员的指令下我有机会与动物互动,他们是如此可爱。我想说的是,学生可以发现一些在图片或视频,甚至在教室里发现不了的东西。除此之外,通过探索学习更多有趣和有效。对于一些学生来说,阅读教科书是件很难的事情,但是,去实地考察,他们就非常感兴趣,因此他们更好的集中精力,所以学习更多的知识。

  I would say the best way learn is to go on a field trip, and actually I still remember my field trip back in primary school. We went to the zoo, not like watching a video, I got a chance to interact with animals under the instruction of the zoo keeper, they were so lovely. What I am trying to say is that students can discovery stuff that doesn't come across in pictures or videos or even in a classroom. Apart from that, learning through exploration is more fun and effective. There are students who got a hard time reading textbooks, however, going on a field trip, they are totally interested in the stuff they are going to see, thus they concentrate better and can learn more.



  政治家、记者、商人:politician, journalist, businessmen;

  public speaking skills作用(好处):

  培养自信心和领导力:build up confidence and leadership

  能清楚的沟通:to be able to communicate clearly

  在一个面试中说服人:convince someone of during an interview


  婚礼上发表演讲, 在一次会议上分享你的想法的, 作为一个产品经理你需要展示你的产品,参加一个商务会谈(达成一笔交易),参加宴会:

  give a speech at a wedding, share your thoughts at a meeting, showcase your product as a product manager, attend a pitch meeting in order to close a deal, attend Toastmasters meetings;


  就我个人而言,我认为做一个演示让学生受益更多。首先,做演示可以帮助一个人能够清楚地沟通,这是非常重要的, 甚至是对于一个学生来说,当他或她可能会有一个问题,他们渴望从老师那里得到一个答案,所以他们需要清楚地表达自己。

  Personally, I think doing a presentation benefit the students more. To begin with, doing presentations can help a person to be able to communicate clearly, and that is even very important for a student, when he or she might have a question and they are eager to get an answer from the teacher, and they need express themselves clearly.

  实际上,我们的教育未能提供给学生们在现实世界中生存所需要与演讲技巧。想想看,很多时候你需要在公共场合发表演讲,比如婚在礼上发表演讲, 在一次会议上分享你的想法的, 作为一个产品经理你需要展示你的产品,参加一个商务会谈(达成一笔交易),参加宴会,等等。为了掌握这一技能,我们需要在学校做大量的演讲,在未来这肯定会帮助你。

  Actually, our education fails to provide with the presentation skills that students need to survive in the real world. Think about it, there are lots of occasions when you need to handle a speech in a public setting, like give a speech at a wedding, share your thoughts at a academic meeting, showcase your product as a product manager, attend a pitch meeting in order to close a deal, attend Toastmasters meetings, so on and so forth. One definitely need to do lots of presentations during school in order to master this skills, and this will definitely help you in the future.






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