

2015-05-15 10:32    新东方北京学校


Topic 议题:the three functions of ceramic plates



Thesis 总论点

The reading provides three functions of ceramic plates.

Refute the three explanations mentioned in reading passage.

Sub-point 1


Cooking pans.

the cooking pan will be black or the color will fade because of high temperature. However, these plates do not show such marks.




the sound of ceramic is not pleasant and also hard to make sounds. What’s more, people can use better material as drums, such as animal furs. Why would they use ceramic drums?

Sub-point 3



the sound of ceramic is not pleasant. What’s more, people can use better material as drums, such as animal furs. Why would they use ceramic drums? 

Sample answer:

The reading and listening materials have a conflict of opinions about the function of ceramic plates. The writer puts forwards three theories, which are contradicted by the following lecture.

Firstly, the writer claims that the ceramic plates can be used as cooking pans. while the speaker views this issue from an opposite angle. According to him/her, the cooking pan will be black or the color will fade because of high temperature. However, these plates do not show such marks.

Secondly, the author states that the ceramic plates can be served as drums. However,the speaker opposes the writer’s opinion by saying that the sound of ceramic is not pleasant. What’s more, people can use better material as drums, such as animal furs. Why would they use ceramic drums?

Thirdly, the passage argues that ceramic plates are used as mirrors. By contrast, in accordance with the speaker, the reading’s claim doesn’t hold water,only when ceramic plates are filled with water can they reflect images. In this case, people can not see the decorative side. Unlike the mirrors in ancient Greek, people often hold plates vertically.

In conclusion, the professor clearly identifies the weakness in the reading passage and convincingly shows these reasons are incorrect.




Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

All university students should be required to take history courses no matter what their professions are.














1. 学习历史丰富学生文化方面的背景知识,拓宽眼界。

2. 学习历史也有跨学科的价值,比如文学以及考古专业。

3. 诚然, 学习历史对于其他专业的学生增加了很多额外的学业负担,需要花很多时间去背诵记忆历史事件,还要在忙碌的期末考试之前多复习一门科目。但是我们的目光不能太狭隘,从长远来看学习历史课程的利远大于弊。



Being the cradles of knowledge, universities courses lay an extremely solid foundation for the future development of college students. In order to help students better informed about country’s past, some educators claim that history courses should be made compulsory to all university students. Personally, I agree.


Firstly, taking history courses provides students with great opportunities to see the world’s glorious and profound culture. By getting a closer look at the American revolution, a student can be enlightened, knowing the importance of equality and democracy. By learning about the history of renaissance, a student will be inspired by the core concept of humanism and precursors’ innovative spirit in terms of painting, sculpture and architecture. By understanding the four great inventions of ancient China, a student will be familiar with the traditional arts. If they only focus on their own major, they would definitely miss out on such great treasure


Secondlytaking history courses promotes other subjects. Imagine a literature student. His transcript was dissatisfying in the past. However, things became to change after he took the history seminar. For one thing, celebrated individuals in ancient times inspired his writing. These celebrities’ qualities and achievements have a great influence on his works. For another, Comprehending the historical events, he became more insightful and thoughtful. It seems clear to me that it is the history courses that enable this student to make a great progress.



Admittedlyhistory courses, to some extent, exert more academic pressure on students. On the one hand, College students have already had to study many theories and professional subjects closely related to their majors. In this case, taking history courses makes their schedules tighter. On the other hand, A required histories courses would put extra financial burden on students, especially on those students who are from underprivileged families. However, this view is too nearsighted. In the long run, the benefits of taking history courses far outweigh its demerits. Just as an old Chinese saying goes, taking history as a mirror, one can judge the things form their pros and cons.


Based on the above analysis, taking history courses benefits students a lot.



Cradle 摇篮

Compulsory 强制的

Underprivileged 贫困的

Inspire 激励

Renaissance 文艺复兴

Insightful 有洞察力的

Thoughtful 深度思考的






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