新东方托福词汇之“卖萌挥手pabebe wave”
2015-11-27 16:10 新东方
The pabebe (acting cute) wave has taken hold in the Philippines, with celebrities from across the world joining in the craze, posting videos of themselves.
What is the pabebe?
It means to act cute, like a baby.
Where did it come from?
The mini wave originated with beauty pageant contestants in the Miss Universe pageant, but has been made popular in Asia by Filipino actors Alden Richards and Maine Mendoza from the series Eat Bulaga.
这种微微挥手的姿势源自于环球小姐的选美比赛选手,因为被菲律宾一档名为Eat Bulaga节目中的男女主人公Alden Richards(菲律宾著名男星)和Maine Mendoza(菲律宾版“小咖秀”女王)模仿而走红。
Alden Richards and Maine Mendoza interacting through split screen television. The primary means of dialogue between the two are the use of audio samples of popular media and handwritten messages shown on screen.
A few months ago, the pair appeared on Eat Bulaga, a popular TV show, with Richards on video link and Mendoza in the studio. When she muddled her dubbing, the show hosts noticed the spark between the two and asked Mendoza to acknowledge Richards. That’s when Mendoza dropped the pabebe wave, and that is why it is now a thing.
几个月前,两人在Eat Bulaga节目中视频连线,Richards远程,Mendoza在直播间。Mendoza现场玩配音秀的时候出了错,而远程的Richards及时帮她救场,节目支持人注意到了两人之间配合时产生火花,于是让Mendoza现场向Richards致谢,于是,就出现了风靡社交网络的“卖萌挥手”。
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