

2015-05-15 10:32    新东方网

  2015年5月16日的托福考试应该重点复习哪些题目? 新东方老师为大家带来5月16日托福独立口语预测题,本预测为小范围预测题,包括托福口语第一题13套,第二题10套。希望大家取得满意的托福成绩!

  Task 1

  1. Describe an event or celebration you attend recently. Why people have a good time together?

  Well, last week, a bunch of my colleagues and I went fishing in a state park. We drove to the park around 6 o'clock in the afternoon. and then set up the fishing pole and began to fish. it was very quiet and the air was very fresh, the water was super crystal. it was very enjoyable. we were very lucky that today and scored lots of fish. and then we set up the grill and baked the fish on the grill. it was very delicious. Everybody there had a wonderful time.

  2. Which of the following brings you more pleasure? Spend time with friends, study by yourself or doing sports? Explain why in details.

  Personally, I would say I like to play sports, cuz there are actually lots of benefits, to begin with, one can socialize with their peers and make new friends. I also learned the importance of cooperation and responsibility when I am playing team sports, me and my teammate struggle together for a common goal, offer each other motivation along the way, and I feel that I care something bigger than myself during the game, and I think this is very meaningful. Additionally, I have to deal with disappointment when losing the game, and on other occasions I feel really confident and proud of myself when our team is winning the game.

  3. Describe an important day in your life. Explain why it is important.

  The most important day in my life was my college graduation day. I graduated from a prestigious university in the Unites States, but it was challenging for me. Four years before I graduated from college, the first time I set foot on the land of America, I felt so isolated and had tremendous language barriers. However, during my four years in college, not only did I improve my English language proficiency, but also kept a high GPA and was on the dean's list every year. But, I know that this day does not come easy, it symbolizes the time and effort I put to get my diploma.

  4. What do you think is the most important advancement over the past 20 years in your country? Use reasons and specific examples to explain why you think that is important.

  I would say the most important advancement of my country in the higher education. For the past 20 years, the central government invested lots of money for university to renovate their facilities, like recreation center, library, and even dining halls. If you get a chance to go the recreation centers in a university, you are very likely to see lots of advanced equipment and facilities, some of which might have sauna and spa service, and apart from that the frequent exchanges of scholars with other famous professors and researchers around the world have helped improve Chinese scholars overall capability, and they can publish lots of papers in world class journals and have an impact in their field.

  5. Which of the following volunteer work would you choose and why? 1. Working as a home tutor 2. Helping adults 3. Helping old people

  If I were given a chance to do volunteer activities, I would help the seniors. Now there are more and more retirees in my country, and the nursing homes and senior centers are not doing a very good job to help the seniors. There are quite a few things that I can do to help the seniors, I can read them newspapers, to help them get access to what is happening around the world. I also could assist them to tidy up their rooms so they might have a very good mood every day. Apart from that, I can just talk with them, seniors get lonely easily, and by interacting with them, they will feel a sense of belonging to the community and that there are someone out there who care about them. With all the above reasons and more, I would volunteer to help seniors.

  6. If you were to do a project, which of the following would you choose? 1. A recycle program 2. Teaching children about vegetable growing 3. Teaching children about healthy eating

  I would chose to attend a recycle program simply because our environment is jeopardizing dramatically in recent years, and recycling is a great way to help to deal with that. One of the major reasons that there is rampant littering in the city is that there are not enough trash cans on the streets. Garbage bins should be provided so that people can categorize their trash. As known to all, some of the trash are recyclable like soda cans, paper and glass, and not only can the trash be reused, but also there will be less littering, thus that will make the environment much better.

  7. Which of the following extracurricular activities would you recommend children to take? playing sports, listening music, or visiting art galleries? Explain why

  Actually, there are lots extracurricular activities one can do. I would suggest children play sports. They can choose to go the gym, actually, here are lots of facilities in it, like a very nice swimming pool, basketball court, badminton court and stuff like that. There are lots of benefit to play sports, to begin with, it helps to keep fit and be athletic and develop one's agility and strength at the same time, so the kids do not look awkward. Additionally, one can socialize with their peers and make new friends. Also, when playing sports with old friends, one can connect more with them emotionally, and that helps to sustain your friendship forever.

  8. Your suggestions on how to save our planet since we are facing serious environment problems.

  Firstly, we should cut down the usage of cars and other vehicles, thus the car exhaust can be reduced. The decision makers should invest more money to improve public transportation, like adding more bus routes, making public transportation more accessible; developing express local trains and repave bumpy roads. Secondly, the government should put forward some policies to punish factories who discharge lots of waste into the air, for example, they can impose a heavy tax on these factories. Plus, we can subsidize the environment conscious companies that use renewable energies like natural gas, wind power and nuclear power.

  9. Describe a time you learned a new subject./ Describe a difficulty which you have overcome with the help of your family, friends or classmates. Explain how they helped

  When I was in junior high, I had to learn English for the first time, and it was really hard for me to pick up at first. The words, grammar and sentence patterns are just so different from Chinese. But with the help of my English teacher, I gradually learnt some basic words and useful phrases, and I started practicing English with foreigners whenever I got a chance, the more I acquire, the more I am willing to learn and I put more effort and I am determined to be really good in English. Now, after so many years, I am still a big fan of the English language, and I cannot live a single day without it.

  10. Which one of the following factor do you think is most important when it comes to travelling. Low cost, good weather, or various activities?

  Well, Personally, I would say the most important factor is the activities that I can do during the trip. I like to go to places where I can appreciate the natural beauty, and get a chance to get away from the city concrete jungles. Actually, I just want to go to beautiful places with great natural scenery, like tropical rainforests, coastal cities, or mountainous regions. As for the activities, I like water activities, surfing, water skiing, also I like climbing mountains. cuz, doing these stuff I can keep fit, and improve my cardio vascular system, that's why I think activities are the most important.





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