

2015-05-15 10:32    新东方网

  11. If a foreign visitor comes to your country, what food will you introduce to him/her? Explain why.

  Personally, I would recommend the huoguo, and its direct translation is hot pot. It can be cooked in a very easy way. Firstly, you need to throw in some species and other kinds of condiments, than boil the water, after that you can throw anything you like ranging from vegetables to seafood, like broccoli, potatoes, shrimp, tuna scallop and stuff like, and it is a pretty healthy way to eat. On top that, eating hot pot around a big round tables symbolizes a sense of reunion, lots of people have hot pot as their Spring Festival dinner. I mean, it doesn't have to be on Spring Festival, you can also have it when eating out with friends.

  12. If you have a chance to learn something new, which of the following would you like to learn? Flying an airplane, playing a sport or playing an musical instrument.

  I would definitely choose to play a new sport. I find it very relaxing when I play sports, it helps me to release my tension and depression that I got from both my life and study. Apart from that, playing sports is a very good way to keep healthy and try to be in good shape. It helps you to build up some muscles and be athletic, it is also good for your cardio vascular system. Lastly, I get a chance to meet new friends and broaden my social network when playing a sport, getting to know different people is a very thrilling experience for me.

  13. Which of the following volunteer work would you choose and why?

  1. Working as a home tutor 2. Helping adults 3. Helping old people

  If I were given a chance to do volunteer activities, I would help the seniors. Now there are more and more retirees in my country, and the nursing homes and senior center are not doing a very good job to help the seniors. There are quite a few things that I can do to help the seniors, I can read them newspapers, to help them get access to what is happening around the world. I also could assist them to tidy up their rooms so they might have a very good mood every day. Apart from that, I can just talk with them, seniors get lonely easily, and by interacting with them, they will feel a sense of belong to the community and that there are someone out there who care about them. With all the above reasons and more, I would volunteer to help seniors.

  Task 2

  1. Some students prefer to go to universities or colleges in their hometown. Others prefer to go to universities or colleges in new cities or towns. Which do you prefer and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.

  Personally, I prefer to study in a new city. I think it is very boring to stay in your city, where you have been living for almost 20 years, they people you will meet are still those you met during primary school and high school. However, to be able to study in another city, you get a chance to learn their local cultures, appreciate the natural beauty, and above all meet more exciting people, and by interacting with local people and making new friend in that city during college, you can broaden your horizon and enrich you life experience.

  2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the most important teachers for a child.

  Personally, I would say parents indeed are the most essential teachers for young children. More specifically, parents are the very first teachers in our psychological development, and they, together with other family members shape our early behaviors, values and even habits. For example, like if your parents are zealous readers of books and newspapers, one is likely to be a big fan of reading, and that will positively influence our intelligence. Also, for other personal idiosyncrasies are also influenced by our parents, like if parents are coffee lovers, the kids also tend to like coffee.

  3. Which do you prefer? A job with a high salary but a lot of business trips, or a job with a low salary but no business trips.

  Personally, I would to choose a job that can give a chance to travel around. I am the kind of person who likes new and exciting things and exploration. Just staying in one place, I will get extremely bored. I might not have a high efficiency at work and might not be very productive. On top of that, When doing business in different places, I got a chance to talk to locals and get to know their culture, customs and way of living. By interacting with them I can broaden my horizon and have new perspective on things, also I got paid more, it's like kill two birds with one stone.

  4. Are you willing to carefully choose the gift which your friends like or choose whatever you like?

  Personally, I would carefully choose a gift that my friends like. The reasons are quite obvious, the only reason why we buy gift for our friends is because we want them happy and feel that they are loved and cared by us. Anyone with a clear mind should not randomly choose gifts, otherwise, if we end up choosing a gift that our friends don't like, they might be angry and that will jeopardize our friendship. However, if you choose a gift carefully, the friend will appreciate the time and effort you put in selecting the gift for him or her, and thus one can bond more with their friends.

  5. Do you agree or disagree that teachers should encourage students to have class discussion during class? Give specific reasons and details in your response.

  Personally, I agree with this. I would say the best way to learn is to participate in class discussion, to begin with, students need to do lots of search and prepare notes for the class discussion. They can learn a lot by actively preparing for this. Additionally, the whole class gets a chance to hear multiple points of view, although some points might not be as thought-provoking, you can learn a lot of stuff beyond the textbooks anyway, and understand how an idea works in real life when people share their personal experiences.

  6. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The success of a school largely depends on the resources it has such as textbooks and journals.

  I don't agree that the success of a school largely depends on the resources it has such as textbooks and journals. I admit that they are contributing factors of a good school, but I think facilities and professors are big part of the success of a school. Firstly, science students depend on lab equipments and facilities to test theories in books, just learning theories without experiment in the lab is too boring and unproductive, so facilities, like research centers are very important. On top of that, professors are the key resource of a university, cuz they are the ones who can motivate the students and develop their skills and make them more creative, thus giving the students a better chance to be successful in the future.

  7. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important influences that young adults have are from their families.

  Personally, I would say families indeed influence young adults a lot. More specifically, parents are the very first teachers in our psychological development, and they, together with other family members shape our early behaviors, values and even habits. For example, like if your parents are zealous readers of books and newspapers, one is likely to be a big fan of reading, and that will positively influence our intelligence. Also, for other personal idiosyncrasies are also influenced by close family members, like if parents are coffee lovers, the kids also tend to like coffee.

  8. What kind of job will you choose? A job through which you can get a lot of money or a job through which you can get great personal satisfaction.

  I guess it really depends on the scenario, if the job that gives me great personal satisfaction can help me to pay all my utility bills and all other living expenses, I will choose the job that gives me great personal satisfaction. Cuz, one has to work on a profession for a few decades before retirement, a job with high salary might not be the one you really like. One might suffer from constant depression and pressure doing that kind of job and it will be detrimental to both their physical and psychology healthiness. After all, the experience is more valuable than salary.

  9. When you give gifts to others, do you prefer gifts that are fun or gifts that can be used?

  I would choose the gifts that can be used, cuz to begin with, I don't want to buy gifts cost me lots of money and end up being useless, like some painting works, figurines, and stuff like that. Things like a hat, an enlightening book, or even a movie CD, are more valuable to a friend, cuz there is a purpose of using these stuff, a hat can shelter the friend from the sun, a friend can have unique perspective when reading an interesting book, and they can relax themselves when watching the movie CD. Plus, they will remember your friendship when they are actually using and enjoying these gifts.

  10. Some students prefer to write their course papers a day or two before the paper is due. Other students prefer to start working on their papers much sooner, spending a little time each day to complete the paper. Which do you prefer? Explain why.

  I prefer to finish the paper sooner rather than later, to begin with, to finish lots of paper, you might spend a long time to find relevant references, figure out the data and the models you need to apply in the paper, starting to work on the paper early can make sure you have sufficient time to finish it on time. Plus, If you chose to work on the paper a day or two before it is due, you might have some scheduling problems, and be bombarded with other kinds of assignment, like group projects, presentations and stuff.






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