2015-11-30 18:00 新东方
The price of fish
Different scales
Fish are getting more expensive, but they do not allmove at the same speed
Upwardly mobile
IT IS a good time to be a fisherman. The global fish-price index of the UN's Food andAgricultural Organisation (FAO) hit a record high in May. Changing consumer diets, particularly inChina, explain much of the sustained upward movement. High oil prices, which increase thecost of fishing and transportation, also add to the price of putting fish on the table.
Not all fish are created equal, however. There are two types of fish production: “capture” (orwild) and “aquaculture” (or farmed). And they seem to be on different trajectories. Fish such astuna, the majority of which is caught wild, saw much bigger price increases than salmon, whichare easier to farm. Overall, the FAO's price index for wild fish nearly doubled between 1990 and2012, whereas the one for farmed fish rose by only a fifth. What explains this big difference?
然而,鱼的种类有许多,价格也参差不齐。鱼的生产方式有两种:捕捞野生鱼和养殖家鱼。两者的价格趋势不尽相同。相比如三文鱼那样容易养殖的鱼种,金枪鱼这些主要依靠捕捞的鱼种的价格增长就要大得多。 从1990年到2012年,联合国粮农组织的野生鱼类价格指数翻了一番,但家鱼的价格指数只增长了五分之一。这种差别来自哪里呢?
The amount of wild fish captured globally has barely changed in the past two decades. Theceiling, of about 90m tonnes a year, seems to have been reached at the end of the 1980s.Overfishing is one reason, as is the limited room for productivity growth, particularly ifconsumers want high quality.
Patrice Guillotreau of the University of Nantes tells the story of a fleet in France that decided totrawl, rather than line-catch, its tuna. It brought more back to shore, but the fish weredamaged. It could not be sold as high-value fillets and was only good for canning. The old waysof catching fish are still best if you want the highest profits, says Mr Guillotreau.
南斯大学的Patrice Guillotreau讲了这么一件事。法国的一个捕捞队用拖网而不是钓绳垂钓的方式来捕捞金枪鱼。这确实使产量增加了,但鱼也受到了破坏,从而无法做成能卖出高价的条状鱼片而只能用来制作罐头。Guillotreau说,想要保证鱼能卖出最好的价钱,用传统的方式来抓鱼仍然是最好的选择。
In contrast, the farmed-fish industry continues to make productivity improvements. Fishfarms have found crafty ways to use lower quantities of fishmeal as feed. In the early days ofaquaculture, it could take up to ten pounds of wild fish to produce one pound of salmon. Nowthe number is down to five. That may still be an inefficient use of protein, but the ratio is setto improve further. Fish farms have also become more energy-efficient, meaning that they areless affected by higher energy prices. And they have learned how to handle diseases better,reducing the quantity of fish that ends up being unsellable.
As a result of all these improvements, the global production of farmed fish, measured intonnes, now exceeds the production of beef. Output is likely to continue growing: the FAOestimates that by 2020 it will reach six times its 1990 level.
This growth will further shake up the markets for fish. The farmed kind is expected todominate the market for medium-value produce. Suppliers of wild fish, for their part, mustslither into niche markets. At the low-value end wild sardine is a crucial input for farmed fishand is in abundant supply. More than a third of the total marine catch in 2010 was used forthe production of fishmeal and fish oil.
But more money may be made serving the captains of industry rather than industry itself.Sapmer, a French fishing company, recently discontinued its canned-tuna production, insteadconcentrating on catching tuna for sushi and sashimi for the top end of the market.
Frank Asche of the University of Stavanger, who helped to devise the FAO fish-price index,sees parallels with the divergence between farmed meat and wild game. As the supply of wildfish declines relative to farmed fish, it will become a luxury commodity, he explains. “In 20years' time people will think of wild fish like we now think of venison.”
斯塔万格大学的Frank Asche曾参与了联合国粮农组织鱼价指数的设计。他认为家鱼和野鱼的区别同饲养得到的肉类和狩猎捕获的野味的区别类似。随着野鱼的数量和家鱼相比逐年减少,它将成为一种昂贵的商品,他解释说,“20年内”人们就会像如今怀念山珍野味那样怀念野鱼的味道。
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