

2015-11-30 18:36    新东方

  Is Bedtime Snacking Bad?


  Eating after 8 p. m. may increase the risk ofobesity, according to a 2011 study at NorthwesternUniversity. A five-year study on weight changes incollege students which Dr. Hoerr is working on alsosuggests that eating late disrupts sleep patterns. "Our data shows that those who got the most sleepwere more likely to maintain a healthy weight", shesays. Researchers still don't know all the reasons whypoor sleep is correlated to weight gain


  Specific foods, she says, interfere with sleep. Avoid anything high in tyramine, a naturallyoccurring chemical that helps regulate blood pressure and can keep you awake, at least anhour or two before bedtime, says Dr. Hoerr. This includes aged cheeses, processed meats andsoy sauce. High-protein and fatty treats should also be avoided because they take longer todigest. The good news:Some foods, when eaten in small amounts, may actually aid in qualitysleep, and not add inches to the waistline that help promote good shut-eye. Unprocessedturkey and nonfat milk are both high in the amino acid tryptophan that help promote goodshut-eye.

  Hoeer博士说,有些食物会影响睡眠。不要吃任何含有大量酪胺的食物,因为这种天然的化学物质,能调节血压,并让你在睡前至少一两个小时内保持清醒。这包括放了一段时间的奶酪,加工肉类和酱油。高蛋白和高脂肪的食物也应该少吃,因为他们需要更长的时间来消化。好在 还有一些食物,哪怕只是吃很少,也能提高睡眠质量,且不会使人发胖。未深加工的火鸡和脱脂牛奶都含有大量的氨基酸色氨酸,这些食物有助于睡眠。

  When teens hit their growth spurt, they almost can't eat enough, says Dr. Hoerr. "This is whenyou see an 11-year-old boy consuming more than the active man of the house," she says. "Heshould have extra snacks, like those suggested. The snack should be finished more than an hourbefore he goes to sleep. "


  How can you kick a late-night eating habit? Try breakfast."If you don' eat too close to bedtime,by morning, your liver has fully processed the sugar and fat and protein and your appetite isstimulated, “she says. Many of Dr. Hoerr's overweight patients report to not eating anythinguntil 3 p. m. and then they' cram in thousands of calories by midnight. Invariably, their sleepquality is disrupted, and they put on more weight.







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