

2015-11-30 18:38    新东方

  The Health Dangers the Hotshots Faced


  Experts say that wildfires can be doubly dangerousfor firefighters; when homes and forest burnsimultaneously, both heat and smoke conspire tomake air unbreathable. Below are a few of the riskswildfire firefighters like the elite Hotshot crew facein the line of duty:


  Heat: In extremely high temperatures and wearing heavy protective gear, firefighters oftenexperience heat stress, which can lead to nausea, light-headedness and weakness. This canprogress into heat strain, which causes both the core body temperature and heart rate tosoar. If there's no relief from the heat, a firefighter can experience heat stroke.


  Toxic Air: Smoke and dust from a wildfire produce a variety of toxic substances and gaseslike carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide and formaldehyde. "The problem with wild firefighting isthat unlike structure fires where you have a self contained breathing apparatus, in wildfirefighting there is no way you will have an air supply that will last long enough to do that,"says Lou Paulson, president of California Professional Firefighters."A filter mask has to befiltered for the particulates that you are dealing with, which you don't know because you are ina wildland environment. "

  有毒气体:森林大火中的烟雾和粉尘会产生很多有毒物质和气体,如一氧化碳、二氧化硫和甲醛。加州的专业消防主席Lou Paulson说:“在野外灭火的问题在于,它不像对待建筑火灾一样,会有一个自给式呼吸机。在野外,消防员是不可能有持续很长时间的呼吸设备的。”“过滤 口罩必须过滤掉那些你碰到的颗粒,这你是不会知道的因为你在野外。”

  Fatigue: During the initial surge of the fire, the front line is very difficult to control, accordingto Paulson. "You can have folks on the fire line for 72 hours or longer with no break at all. Thereare long work periods and no rest," he says. It's not uncommon that firefighters get soexhausted that they succumb to an intense need to nap on the fire line after long hoursfighting relentless flames and inhaling toxic gases







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