

2015-11-30 18:46    新东方

  Micro blogs and macro payments


  导读:颇具人气的新兴社交平台 (platform)微博究竟潜藏着怎样的商机?又会给我们的生活带来怎样的改变呢?一起来关注吧。

  The development of the Internet over the past 20 years has not only changed the way most people live their lives, but has also provided aplethora of new platforms for business. The advertising industry`s adoption of the micro blog, or Weibo, as a promotional tool is apertinent example.


  Ye Feng, 34, a marketing professor in Beijing, frequently takes calls from public relations (PR) companies offering to pay him 5,000 yuan ($769) for every post on his micro blog that promotes their products.


  He writes an average of eight posts daily, mainly about business matters and information about his courses.


  More importantly, he has more than 300,000 followers who read his posts on the micro-blogging website weibo.com.


  If Ye agreed to include product placements in 50 percent of his posts, he could make 20,000 yuan a day, just by typing fewer than 500 words, all of which are provided by PR companies.


  However, he has consistently declined all offers.


  "I don`t want to make my micro blog too commercial," he said. "I might lose fans if I am discovered promoting products in my postings."


  In addition to his work teaching Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) courses at many of China`s top universities, Ye is also the founder of Sunup Consulting Co Ltd, a Beijing-based strategic consulting company.


  He previously helped Shanghai Volkswagen Automobile Company Ltd to open its official account on Weibo and delivers a series of online marketing activities through his connections with micro-blogging industry insiders.


  "The battleground of marketing is the Internet and the micro blog is the center of it," he said.


  Micro-blogging is no longer just a tool to make contact with friends and celebrities online, reading their news and leaving comments on their pages. It is also establishing a new business model.


  According to Ye, a number of people in the industry have sponsored teams to operate micro blogs purely for commercial marketing purposes. He claims that these sites can earn as much as 100,000 yuan a day from this activity.


  These accounts center around jokes, fashion and other light-hearted topics. Millions of people have signed up as followers.


  Insiders have said half-jokingly that the influence of a popular micro blog can be compared with a national newspaper if it has more than 1 million fans. If it has 10 million fans, its impact is similar to that of a TV station.


  "Many accounts have achieved those sort of numbers already," Ye said.


  The Weibo account with the largest fan base belongs to a Chinese actress called Yao Chen. She mostly posts about her daily life and work, and, as of June 17, her account had attracted 8,962,014 fans.


  According to industry insiders, Yao has been offered at least 100,000 yuan for each post featuring product placements, but her agent has refused all offers.


  Yao`s agent confirmed to China Daily that her client has received a huge number of offers, but that all have been declined.


  "I have never discussed payment for Yao`s postings with any of the companies, but I think the value of her micro blog would be more than 100,000 yuan (for each post)," she said.


  Like Yao, most movie stars or singers have resisted the pressure to make their micro blogs too commercial, so the PR companies have to think of other ways of getting their message across.


  How to make money from micro-blogging will remain a hot topic for some time, but the Internet is a place of unpredictable changes.


  "The business model for micro-blogging will become fully established over the next three to five years, but it is hard to predict its business potential after that," Ye said.


  "Changes come everywhere and at all times. Something new will replace it sometime, for sure."







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