

2015-11-30 18:48    新东方

  Ecosystems Still Feel the Pain of Ancient


  It's not just humans that still feel the effects of atrauma many years later,ecosystems do too.Thousands of years after human hunters wiped outbig land animals like giant ground sloths,theecosystems they lived in are still feeling the effects.


  Many ecosystems rely on big animals to supply them with nutrients, mostly from dung. "If youremove the big animals from an ecosystem, you pretty much stop nutrients moving,"saysChris Doughty of the University of Oxford. Doughty and colleagues simulated the distributionof phosphorus,a nutrient that plants need to grow in the Amazon basin in South America.Thisarea was once home to spectacularly large animals, including the elephant—like gomphotheresand giant ground sloths.


  But 12500 years ago, around the time humans moved into South America, these huge animalsall died out, hit by a double whammy of being hunted and a changing climate. Nowadays theAmazon is still home to a huge diversity of animals. "But these extinctions cut out all the biganimals, "says Doughty.It seems the mass extiction had a profound effect on how phosphorusis spread around the Amazon basin. Nutrients are released when rocks are eroded, and thenget distribute onto floodplains by rivers. In South America, the most phosphorus rich soils arefound near the Andes mountain chain in the west.


  If Doughty is right, the Amazon is still changing in response to the extinction. He estimatesthe spread of nutrients will keep getting patchier for another 17 000 years, although the effectwill likely be dwarfed by the impacts of deforestation and climate change in the short term.







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